The Coast Camporee is set for Ingalls. Everyone (youth and adult) must register on Ingalls link, CLICK HERE. Scoutmasters, If you plan to camp, Please send the Troop # and total camping to Johnny Pearson at
Who: Singing River District and Spanish Trail District
What: Ingalls Merit Badge Camporee
Where: Ingalls Shipbuilding & Singing River Island
When: 26-28 April 2024.
Arrive Friday after 5 PM
Arrive at Ingalls 730AM Saturday
Depart at 2 PM
Depart Sun. before Noon.
Why: To build Fellowship and Earn Merit badges. Build Partnership with Ingalls
How: With Partnership with Ingalls, Jackson Cty Port Authority, and Jackson County Recreation Dept.
We have reserved to camp on Singing River Island Friday and Saturday nights.
You will be responsible for own food and water.
Lunch will be provided Saturday by Ingalls.
Fires must be off the ground or in a firepit.
Units must remove all trash and debris (Leave no Trace)
Use minimal vehicles to transport Scouts to Ingalls Saturday