Who Can Attend?
Current Bears (3rd Grade), who will be Webelos (4th Grade) in Fall 2025.
Current Webelos (4th Grade), who will be AOLs (5th Grade) in Fall 2025.
We strongrongly encourage that parent(s) or legal guardian attend with thier Scout. Every unit must have one registered leader in attendance. If the Cub Scout is not attending with their unit, a parent or guardian must attend.
Check in:
Check-in (Thursday, June 5, 2025) begins at 1:00 PM at the Handicraft Pavilion. You will receive campsite location and all other information needed then. Please assist the Scout (if necessary) in setting up his/her campsite area. After set up, you will head to water front for the Scout’s swim test. We will have activities for Scouts to participate in once campsite set up is complete and prior to the opening ceremony (Begins at 4PM)
Check Out:
On Sunday morning, June 8, 2025 each participant will check-out prior to leaving Camp Tiak. Participants should be packed and ready to depart Camp Tiak by 10 am on Sunday morning.